Edmund Cowan sailed from England to Melbourne, Australia with his wife around 1850. They sailed back via Cape Horn with 9 children 15 years later. The next year, in 1866, the familiy immigrated to the United States. Great-great grandfather of Candace Allen.
Sarah (Cashmore) Cowan, wife of Edmund Cowan and great-great grandmother of Candace Allen. These two pictures were taken in Boston in the 1880s.
Ralph Seefeld Obituary Collection
Click the obituary you want to see. 1436 start with R
Rabago, Pastora (Gabot) | Riley, Betty J | Rabidue, Dora I (Hahn) | Riley, Claude Eugene | Rabidue, Ralph Willis | Riley, Edwin 'Pat (page 1) | Raboin, Francis A | Riley, Edwin 'Pat' (page 2) | Rabourn, Kelly G | Riley, John Francis 'Jack' | Presnell, Any Lenore (Rabourna) | Riley, Joseph C | Race, Charlotte K (Sweaney) | Riley, Katherine (Shank) | Race, Florence Cline (Loomis) (page 1) | Riley, Kathryn E 'Kitty' (Humma) | Race, Florence Cline (Loomis) (page 2) | Riley, Lulu E (Neal) | Race, Frances (Gunn) (1922) | Riley, Mary Emma | Race, Francis Puget (1936) (page 1) | Riley, Merrill | Race, Francis Puget (1936) (page 2) | Riley, Pauline H DeHate (page 1) | Race, George Pratt (page 1) | Riley, Pauline H DeHate (page 2) | Race, George Pratt (page 2) | Riley, Robert E | Race, Harry Ronald (page 1) | Riley, Thomas M | Race, Harry Ronald (page 2) | Riley, Wilbur R | Race, Hattie W (Swift) (page 1) | Barker, Lucile R Folsom (Riley) | Race, Hattie W (Swift) (page 2) | Mahoney, Margaret J (Riley) | Race, Helen M (Pratt) | Silzel, Gretta B (Riley) | Race, Henry Melbourne | Riling, Daniel Lee | Race, Mabel (Crawford) | Rimes, William John (page 1) | Race, Phyllis E (Minahan) | Rimes, William John (page 2) | Race, Ronald Hobart (1996) | Mitchell, Irene (Rimington) | Race, Ronald J (1952) (page 1) | Rimmer, Carlita (Cass) | Race, Ronald J (1952) (page 2) | Rimmer, Walter H Jr | Race, William Puget | House, Thelma Jean (Rimmer) | Brown, Sandra E (Race) | Rolfson, Karen O (Rindahl) | Gilmore, Frances (Race) | Rine, Helen S (Vaillancourt) | Racek, Lester James | Rinehart, Fred | Racicky, Randall James | Rinehart, Pearl M | Radelich, Marylou (Hoffman) | Rinehart, Viola (Pachmeyer) | Raden, Martha (Gabelein) | Ring, Charles O | Raden, Paul (page 1) | McClung, Pansy Mae (Ring) (page 1) | Raden, Paul (page 2) | McClung, Pansy Mae (Ring) (page 2) | Rader, Ina Louise (Taylor) | Ringling, Charles Robert | McCarty, Anna Bessie (Rader) | Johnson, Anna M (Ringstad) (1967) | Burch, Eva Mae (Radford) | Ringwall, Rose | Meinhold, Maurine L (Radford) | Funk, Mary Ann (Ringwall) | Radin, Ione Y (Tyrell) | Rinks, Charles | Radin, Joseph 'Joe' | Rion, Marie Evelyn (Braun) | Rados, John Joseph | Rios, Henrietta | Radosta, Charles E | Rip, Gertrude (Zylstra) | Rae, Grace V | Rip, Jacob John | Rae, Zatha Mae (Dimick) | Rip, Lawrence Raymond 'Laurie' | Miranda, Gena J (Rafanelli) | Rip, Pauline (Roodzant) | Raffensparger, Elsie (Hall) | Rip, Peter | Raffensparger, Rollie W | Koorn, Rosa Marie (Rip) | Rafferty, Hiroko (Ogawa) | Bogard, Irene Eunice (Rippel) | Rafferty, James Arthur (page 1) | Rishel, Herbert M | Rafferty, James Arthur (page 2) | Kern, Barbara Ann Lenke (Riske) | Rafter, Jack C | Risner, Miriam 'Mummu' (Hukkala) | Rafter, Lester C | Ristine, Earle F | Rafter, Myrtle V (Johnson) | Ristine, James R | Schroeter, Sophie C (Raggio) | Ritchie, John Edgar | Ragland, Becky (Reed) (page 1) | Findley, Jane (Ritchie) | Ragland, Becky (Reed) (page 2) | Fuller, Doris (Ritter) | Ragsdale, Berenice Alice Peeples (Nunan) | Sparr, Barbara Sophie (Ritter) | Ragsdale, Pamela (Christianson) | Rittmann, David Frederick (page 1) | Johnson, Bernice Bain (Rahman) | Rittmann, David Frederick (page 2) | Raidy, Dorothy (Caswell) | Ritzman, Henry C (page 1) | Raidy, John 'Jack' | Ritzman, Henry C (page 2) | Raidy, Robert Harold | Whiteside, Reah Kathryn (Ritzman) | Railsback, Floyd A | Rivas, Frank H | Page, Rosalie Jane (Railsback) | Rivas, Nellie L (English) | Raineri, Glo 'Gloreen' (Sansone) | River, Cecil J | Lubchuk, Louese (Raines) | River, Josephine Craddock | Rainey, Dennis Sr | Rivera, Daniel C | Rainey, Raymond C 'Jiggs' | Rivera, Eva Vital | Rainey, Robert Leroy | Rivera, Jose San Nicolas | Rainey, William A | Rivera, Kevin Matthew | Moore, Lillian Ruth (Rairigh) | Rivera, Thomas Reyes 'Tommy' | Raison, Clifford C | Materne, Catalina 'Nina' (Rivera) | Rakes, Loretta Elaine (DeGraaf) | Valencia, Cresencia 'Chris' (Rivera) | Raleigh, Charles John 'Charlie' | Rivers, Wanda Earlene (Marlar) | Raley, Linda (Wellman) | Rizzo, Ralph John | Ralph, Juanita Frances | Rizzo, Saveria E 'Sylvia' (Mosciaro) | Flynn, Patricia (Ralph) | Roa, Janet Edla | Ramage, Lulu Mae | Roan, Patrick Dinnis | Ramaker, Louise Ann | Robart, Alice Mary | Maryatt, Shirley Elizabeth (Ramaker) | Robart, Louis | Ramaley, Glee Ann (Ballinger) | Robart, Victor L | Ramaley, Harold Eugene 'Hal' | Robb, Ena Mae (Lang) | Combs, Mary Elizabeth (Rambo) | Robb, Howard | Colyar, Polly Anne (Ramella) | Robb, Leslie | Chandler, Pauline J 'Polly' (Ramey) | Robb, Lute (Terry) | Elliott, Frances B (Ramey) | Taylor, Ethel Adell (Robb) | Hurst, Anita (Ramirez) | Robbins, Dorothy Louise 'Robbie' | Ramos, Eufemia (Raras) | Robbins, Eva Lorene (Coates) | Ramos, Ricardo | Robbins, Marguerite H | Ramsay, David 'Jake' | Robbins, Marjorie (Erickson) | Ramsay, Georgene E (Smith) | Robbins, Paul H | Ramsden, Gerald L | Robbins, Richard W | Ramsey, Dorothy P | Roberson, Dorothea Ann (Stuhrenberg) | Ramsey, James Allen | Roberson, M Juanita (Piper) | Ramsey, Margaret E (Roseler) | Peterson, Agnes M (Roberson) (1993) | Ramsey, Robert C | Yates, Anna Mae (Robert or Youderian) | Brehm, Mildred (Ramsey) | Roberts, Adam | Ramsli, Eva (Hall) | Roberts, Angeline 'Angie' (White) | Ramstad, Jensine Karoline | Roberts, Ann Elizabeth (Ohsann) | Ramstad, Ole J | Roberts, Anna (Tews) | Melendy, Carrie M (Ramstad) | Roberts, Beatrice M | Ramstead, Carl O 'Oscar' | Roberts, Billy D | Ramstead, Fay Elizabeth (Nelson) | Roberts, Charles T 'Chuck' | Ramus, Tonnettie Brady Ernst (Van Nieuwenhuise) | Roberts, Clara (Cojean) | Ranalli, Betty M | Roberts, Daniel C (page 1) | Randall, Dorothy Peardon (Nightingale) | Roberts, Daniel C (page 2) | Randall, Jack Stewart | Roberts, Donald J 'Don' | Randall, James S | Roberts, Dorothea H | Randall, Rodney Maurice (page 1) | Roberts, Erma (Gailbraith) | Randall, Rodney Maurice (page 2) | Roberts, Giles 'Hank' | Randall, Thomas Lawrence (page 1) | Roberts, Hariette Rose (Kidder) | Randall, Thomas Lawrence (page 2) | Roberts, Henry Edwin 'Ed' | Driscoll, Clarice Corbin (Randall) | Roberts, Hugh Roy | Pearson, Ina Mae (Randall) | Roberts, Inger C (Anderson) | Randolph, Harrison E 'Jack' | Roberts, James Lawrence 'Larry' | Randolph, Josephine (Moi) | Roberts, Jessie K | Randolph, Suzan Jane (Matischek) | Roberts, Joan (Dunkel) (page 1) | Range, Leslie Peter Kelley | Roberts, Joan (Dunkel) (page 2) | Ranger, Yvonne (Baker) | Roberts, Kenneth D (page 1) | Edge, Ruth J (Ranger) | Roberts, Kenneth D (page 2) | Rankin, Bernice E | Roberts, Leslie (Davis) | Rankin, Matilda J | Roberts, Lillian B (Grimm) (page 1) | Rankin, Patricia A (Patrick) | Roberts, Llillian B (Grimm) (page 2) | Rankin, Tinna Ann | Roberts, Melvin E | Burt, Mitzi Faye (Rankin) | Roberts, Mildred (Bell) | Emanuel, Nettie E McLeod (Rankin) | Roberts, Myrtle C (Bailey) | Meeker, Maxine A (Rankin) | Roberts, Steven Troy | Sterba, Vivian L (Rankin) | Roberts, Valearia G (Townsend). Yake | Rann, Martin | Roberts, W E Wise | Rannells, James H | Roberts, Walter Aaron | Bawdon, Hazel M (Ransford) | Roberts, William E | Ransley, Harold E | Byrd, Joy May (Roberts) | Ransley, Jean Ellen (Lyon) | Dixon, Maida Lee (Roberts) | Raplee, Mary E (Keeran) | Lehman, Carol (Roberts) | Raport, Arlene 'Joyce' (Hicks) | Peters, Phoebe (Roberts) | Rapp, Clayton Kenneth | Stone, Dora Beatrice (Roberts) | Rapp, Heather Dyanne | Street, Gladys E 'Happy' (Roberts) | Rapp, Joyce Lorenne Smallwood (Balda) | Van Dyk, Carol (Roberts) | Armstrong, Rhonda Suzzanne (Rapp) | Robertson, Archbald | Raquinel, Virginia G | Robertson, Bernard Edward | Ramos, Eufemia (Raras) | Robertson, F Ian | Scehovic, Eugenia A 'Jean' (Rasgus) | Robertson, Fred A | Keys, Anna Ruth (Rask) | Robertson, George F | Raskoskie, Laura L (Heeke) | Robertson, George F (page 1) | Rasmussen, Craig Nels | Robertson, George F (page 2) | Rasmussen, David | Robertson, Gladys (Muzzall) | Rasmussen, Esther Jean (Hopkins) | Robertson, James | Rasmussen, Linda Jane | Robertson, John A | Rasmussen, Norma (Boyce) | Robertson, Leroy A | Rasmussen, Sarah Alice (Heiner)(page 1) | Robertson, Maude Mae (Arnold) | Rasmussen, Sarah Alice (Heiner)(page 2) | Robertson, Prudence (Guiou) | Rasmussen, Soren Adam | Robertson, Richard R | Rasmussen, Tyler James | Bennett, Martha Agnes (Robertson) | Cooper, Anna (Rasmussen) | Blatnick, Barbara M (Robertson) | DeVoe, Henrietta Mame (Rasmussen) | D'Amico, Eleanore B (Robertson) | Hagglund, Frances Elsie (Rasmussen) | Fortner, Mary Bell (Robertson) | Schulz, Jean (Rasmussen) | Vannice, Ethel (Robertson) (page 1) | Stockholm, Nina (Rasmussen) | Vannice, Ethel (Robertson) (page 2) | Ratcliff, George William | Robey, Wilma Jean (Fowler) | Rateau, Clarence F | Robidoux, Patricia M | Rath, Gustavo J (page 1) | Robinett, Jeanie (Kenney) | Rath, Gustavo J (page 2) | Robinett, Sarah A 'Sally' (Monro) | Rathbun, Neal | Christman, Dee (Robinett) | Bishop, Cora Lombard (Rathbun) | Chapin, Annemarie L (Robinow) | Schue, Beverly (Rathbun) | Robinson, Allan Edward | Rathkey, Florence (Miller) (page 1) | Robinson, Baby Boy | Rathkey, Florence (Miller) (page 2) | Robinson, Bert | Rathkey, Lawrence | Robinson, Bonnie Lou (Breedlove) | Ratley, Marsha 'Kok' (Cheung) | Robinson, Charles S | Ratliff, Harold M | Robinson, Christine R | Ratliff, Patricia Jean 'Trish' (Cheney) | Robinson, Corabell 'Corky' (Lincoln) | Ratsch, Paul Dunlap (page 1) | Robinson, Donald S (1987) | Ratsch, Paul Dunlap (page 2) | Robinson, Donald S (2005) | Ratsch, Ruth (Neer) | Robinson, E Marguerite (Davis). Marguerite | Hathaway, Florence Adelia (Rau) | Robinson, Edith Chapman (Korres) | Rauch, Frances Elizabeth 'Betty' (Sappington) | Robinson, Eleanor Ottestad | Rauch, James Peter 'Pete' | Robinson, Ethel (page 1) | Rauch, Lonnie A | Robinson, Ethel (page 2) | Berni, Rosemarian 'Rosie' (Rauch) | Robinson, Etta Burch | Hamernik, Leta Marie (Rauch) | Robinson, Fred T | Raulerson, Kathleen Rose 'Kathy' (Richert) | Robinson, George 'Robbie' | Rausa, Catheryn A (page 1) | Robinson, George Edward (2002) | Rausa, Catheryn A (page 2) | Robinson, Harvey Thomas | Rausa, Margaret E | Robinson, Hazel A | Rausch, Harold | Robinson, John Henry (page 1) | Ellis, Alice Mae (Rausch) | Robinson, John Henry (page 2) | Raven, Clinton | Robinson, Lillie Mae | Ravendale, Svein | Robinson, Lynda Diane (Beovich) | Ravetz, Kristin | Robinson, Lynne E 'Robbie' | Rawlings, Charles F 'Gerry' | Robinson, Mary M (2007) | Ray, Ernest M | Robinson, Mary Theresa (Brogan) | Ray, Frederick D | Robinson, Neil | Ray, James Nichols Jr | Robinson, Roy A (2001) | Ray, Jean | Robinson, Royal C 'Roy' (page 1) | Ray, Sidney E | Robinson, Royal C 'Roy' (page 2) | Ray, Tom W | Robinson, Shirley P (Kreinebaum) | Ray-Pierson, Edna (Boozel) | Robinson, Thomas S | Jeremy, Louise Tyler (Ray) | Borden, Bessie B (Robinson) | Rayford, Howard | Cole, Janet (Robinson) | Rayle, Frank Burford | Faliing, Phyllis Mae (Robinson) | Raymer, Frances Mae 'Pat' (Cronkite-Potts) | Goward, Carol A (Robinson) | Raymond, Ann (Gordon) | Himler, Charlene Louise (Robinson) | Raymond, Clinton Fisk Sr | Jackson, Patritia Eileen (Robinson) (2001) | Raymond, Dale Delaney | McLeod, Laura Graves (Robinson) | Raymond, John F 'Jack' | Olavsen, Ada G (Robinson) | Raymond, Katherine (Case) (page 1) | Rowe, Marie H (Robinson) (page 1) | Raymond, Katherine (Case) (page 2) | Rowe, Marie H (Robinson) (page 2) | Raymond, Matilda Funk (Holmstad) | West, Bessie Lea (Robinson) | Raymond, William Michael (page 1) | Bauguess, Ruth Ella (Robison) | Raymond, William Michael (page 2) | Roche, Katherine June (Primero) | Rayner, Edmund T | Davis, Ida M (Roche) | Rayner, Edna May (McCarter) and son | Rocho, Matthew Lewis | Rayner, Lawrence | Moreno, Margaret Mary (Rochon) | Rayon, Gregory Earl | Parker, Venona Johnson 'Vonni' (Rock) | Razmus, Mildred (Dietrick) | Rockmore, Robert F | Rea, Grace V | Heller, Orna P (Rockstad) | Rea, Rhea (Faulkenbury) | Clark, Kate (Rockstrom) | Rea, Robert A | Rockwell, Annie | Read, Catherine Lucille 'Katie' (Hall) | Rodarmel, Leonard Owen | Read, Edwin Miles Jr 'Ted' | Rodeback, Donald Eugene 'Gene' | Read, Edwina (Wetzel) | Rodeback, Lina M 'Lee' (Gloth) | Read, Ethel Landers | Rodenbaugh, Ivan 'Rody' | Read, Irvine W | Otto, Leatha A (Rodenhauser) | Read, Orville Lee | Rodermund, Golda M (Wikon) | Read, Richard W | Rodger, Geraldine Dollar Rice | Gates, Cecilia (Read) | Keeley, Margaret E 'Marge' (Rodger) | Johnson, Patricia Lee (Read) | Rodgers, Delores (McLaughlin) | Metcalf, Hallie (Read) | Rodgers, Edgar R | Monlux, Ruth Florence (Read) | Rodgers, Edwin George | Richardson, Arlene Marion (Read) | Rodgers, Frank W | Reade, Carrie Elva (Logan) | Rodgers, George Elsworth | Reade, Mary Ethel (Munden) | Rodgers, Harriette (Mullins) | Reader, James Merritt | Rodgers, Helen Louise (Witmer) | Readman, William H | Rodgers, Jewell (Doak) | Reafs, Jerome Edwin | Rodgers, Josephine Anna (Carolan) | Reagan, Eugene E | Rodgers, Matthew Shay | Reagin, James E | Rodgers, Richard 'Fuzzy' (page 1) | MacIndoe, Sheila Jeanette (Realmuto) | Rodgers, Richard 'Fuzzy' (page 2) | Reams, Adele (Downing) | Rodgers, Tammy Lynn | Reams, Craig D | Rodgers, Verne B (Gibbs) | Reams, Dorothea M (Douglas) | Rodgers, William L | Reams, George S | Knaus, Karen Ann (Rodgers) | Reams, Harold S 'Hal' | Rodick, Douglas | Reardon, Charles M | Rodick, Nobuko T | Reardon, Estella 'Stella' (Henry) | Rodick, Peter T | Reaves, Joe Kertis | Rodick, William Francis 'Bill' | Reaves, Roland L (page 1) | Rodrigues, Agostinho | Reaves, Roland L (page 2) | Rodriguey, Nedda Anne (Muling) | Reavis, Grace Barbara | Rodriguez, Aurelio | Rebek, Christina Marie Emmons (Michaels) | Rodriguez, Marie Ellen (Hurt) | Reber, Gerald B 'Jerry' Jr | Rodriguez, Martha Marie 'Marty' (Carter) | Hoover, Virginia (Reber) | Rodriguez, Shirley Mae (Cameron) | Rebetter, James Narciso | Bainbridge, Elena Marie (Rodriguez) | Slaker, Aileen (Rebhuhn) | Rodriguis, Catherine E | Renegar, Laura Jean (Rebold) | Henman, Constance (Rodriquez) | Reck, Mary E Caswell (Chamberin) | Roe, Frank L | Rector, Lucile (Gillette) | Peterson, Joan (Roe) | Red, Denoicy S (page 1) | Roeder, Effie Bell (Ebey) | Red, Denoicy S (page 2) | Eastman, Marian (Roeder) | Dimaculangan, Maria Zenaida (Red) | Roehl, Ilse E 'Oma' | Redd, Gwendolyn Isobel Watson (Perry) | Roehl, Thomas J 'Tom' | Reddeman, Anna (Niewohner) | Roehr, Delvin H | Reddeman, Henry T | Roehrich, Penny Denise (Persing) | Reddeman, Rose A (Grim) (page 1) | Vande Werfhorst, Alberdina (Roelofs) | Reddeman, Rose A (Grimm) (page 2) | Hotell, Maybelle (Roessel) | Redden, Lellwyn (Mitchell) | Wichers, Winnie (Roetcisoender) | Redding, Robert Ray | Roetzler, Art | Cornwall, Bernice (Redding) | Damon, Joanne (Roff) | Redfern, Warren V | Rogers, Arthur O | Redifer, Lillian Veronica Meligro (Alcoy) | Rogers, Belle | Redifer, Robert M 'Tony' | Rogers, Charles A 'Chuck' | Kutner, Jeane (Redlin) | Rogers, Charley Mrs | Redman, Charles 'Chick' | Rogers, Deborah Kay | Redman, Francis M or E | Rogers, Donald Paige | Taylor, Leona C 'Lee' (Redman) | Rogers, Eugene Davis | Redmond, Glen Michael | Rogers, Frances (Moore) | Redmond, Richard G 'Dick' | Rogers, Frances Deaman Wales | Redmond, Russell | Rogers, Frank Clifford | Reece, Frances C (Fields) | Rogers, Franklin B | Reece, Joan (Mackie) | Rogers, Grace M (Jones) | Hook, Lois Elizabeth (Reece) | Rogers, Harry Scott 'Scotty' | Reed, Berenice Elizabeth (Benson) | Rogers, Jerry | Reed, Carol Lynn | Rogers, John T | Reed, Christopher R (1959) | Rogers, Kenneth | Reed, Christopher Raymond (2007) | Rogers, Roxie Bell (Kopsicker) | Reed, Cynthia Milinda | Rogers, Tracy Lynn (Baker) (page 1) | Reed, Dale Paul | Rogers, Tracy Lynn (Baker) (page 2) | Reed, Dallas F | Rogers, Woodrow W 'Woody' (page 1) | Reed, Donna Joyce (McIlveen) | Rogers, Woodrow W 'Woody' (page 2) | Reed, Doris Marie Sullivan (VanDyk) | Benn, Margaret Elmyra (Rogers) | Reed, Edith Jorgensen | Hunt, Claudia (Rogers) | Reed, Florence (Ford) (1976) | Jensen, Beatrice E (Rogers) | Reed, Florence Odelia Schwab 'Flo' (Walker) (1999) | Montoya, Wilma Irene (Rogers) | Reed, Forest F | Pulver, Bertha E (Rogers) | Reed, George Hall | Scott, George F Mrs (Rogers) (1962) | Reed, Harry Thomas 'Tom' (page 1) | Webb, Margaret Belle (Rogers) | Reed, Harry Thomas 'Tom' (page 2) | Rognan, John Norman | Reed, Janet Elizabeth (Armstrong) | Garnant, Anna Josephine 'Jo' (Rohner) | Reed, Jean (Arvidson) | Wiseman, Pearle H (Rohr) | Reed, Katherine M | Rohrer, Mary F | Reed, L W 'Lou' | Rohrer, Russell J | Reed, Louise (Davis) | Rohrer, Susanne Reichley Briddell | Reed, Natalie | Esping, Dorothy Elizabeth Gilman (Rohrer) | Reed, Neva Lee (Parker) | Mitchell, Dorcas Rozella (Rohrer) | Reed, Reuben (1950) | Schildberg, Rachel E (Rohrer) | Reed, Reubens J (1922) | Rohrig, August C | Klingman, Marjorie Thelma (Reed) | Rohrig, William Vincent | Ragland, Becky (Reed) (page 1) | Roi, Louis H | Ragland, Becky (Reed) (page 2) | Rojas, Evelyn Lillian (Goldberg) | Rice, Adrienne 'Ady' (Reed) | Rojas, Manuel S | Reeder, Annie Bell (Owen) | Varga, Elizabeth Clara (Rojcsek) | Reeder, Bernard 'Bud' | Roland, Frank D | Reeder, Bernice L (Anderson) | Hartley, Patricia P (Roland) | Reeder, Bryan M 'Joe' | Roles, Timothy Wayne | Reeder, Burleigh M | Rolfson, Glen Wallace 'Wally' | Reeder, Carolyn M (Clark or Lewis) | Rolfson, Ivan James | Willey, Marguerite L 'Peggy' (Reeder) | Rolfson, Karen O (Rindahl) | Arbuckle, Leeta Ilene (Reedus) | Rolfson, Seina A (Johnson) | Olsen, Zora 'Joy' (Reedy) | Huntington, Irene A (Rolfson) | Reeff, Leonard M | Rolfsrud, Halvor | Reep, Lea Rae (Sauve) | Rollag, Emma (Kinzel) | Rees, Dorothy (Beal) | Rollag, Genevieve 'Jenny' (LaCrosse) | Rees, Lloyd Clifford | Rollag, Harry Lee | Rees, Ruth Bridget (Vallely) | Rollag, Leonard | Reese, Edgar J | Rollag, Lester O | Reese, Fred | Rollag, Mary Alice (Gibbs) | Reese, Harvey E | Rollag, Norman W 'Norm' | Reese, Helen Irene (Peterson) | Rollag, Oscar O | Bund, Martha Ann (Reese) | Rollag-Royce, Kristie Sue (Rollag) | Reetz, Margene Arnold | Rollag-Royce, Kristie Sue (Rollag) | Reeves, Charles E | Roller, Margaret | Reeves, Elizabeth C F (Brown) | Roller, Ronald F | Reeves, James Allen | Rollin, Elmer R 'Jim' | Reeves, Joan Diane 'Jonnie' (McDougle) | Rollin, Jean Othberg | Reeves, Kay Cee (Marshall) | Rollin, Opal E (Loftiss) (page 1) | Reeves, Nadine 'Noodles' | Rollin, Opal E (Loftiss) (page 2) | Reeves, Robert William | Rollo, Peter Matthew | Reeves, Victor Glen 'Sasquatch' | Graham, Grace (Romain) | Reeves-Hudson, Sean | Roman, Siddie Verna (Dearden) | Beckley, Earlene (Reeves) | Romanoski, Betty J | Hendrix, Linda Lee (Reeves) | Romanowski, Braedon Michael | Swerdfeger, Janesce F (Reeves) | Padilla, Marcela (Romasanta) | Reffitt, Kazue 'Susie' (Komura) | Romeo, Neola Fern (Trumbull) | Meeks, Dolores Joan Percy Casey (Refrew) | Romer, Willie | Henry, Ellen D (Refsnes) | Morse, Elizabeth Sarah (Romine) | Wutzke, Carolyn Margaret (Regan) | Woodhouse, Susan (Romney) | Acheson, Hazel (Register) | Rondeau, Billie | Peck, Helen (Reha or Dzivak) | Rondeau, Jimmie | Rehberg, Mary Elizabeth 'Betty' (Owens) | Ploegsma, Ida (Rondhuis) | Rehberg, Paul T | Ronhaar, Arlesa Kay | Rehe, Petra Olsen (Kragh) | Ronhaar, Benjamin (page 1) | Rehn, Harvey Paul | Ronhaar, Benjamin (page 2) | Taylor, Velma (Reichlein) | Ronhaar, Daniel Edward | Reichman, Joseph R | Ronhaar, Elizabeth Mae (Abrahamse) | Reichman, Mary Lou (Blomquist) | Ronhaar, Florence R (Maris) | Sellers, Angela M 'Ann' (Reichman) | Ronhaar, Harry Antone | Reid, Anna (Scott) (page 1) | Ronhaar, John (1919) | Reid, Anna (Scott) (page 2) | Ronhaar, John (1974) (page 1) | Reid, Helen Turner | Ronhaar, John (1974) (page 2) | Reid, Lucille Mesplay | Ronhaar, John Henry 'Joe' (1954) | Reid, Viola (Terrill) | Ronhaar, Juneth Marie (Hansen) | Reid, Wilber D | Ronhaar, Marge Leavell (Bearlieu) | Baeyen, Orma Marie (Reid) | Ronhaar, Mary (Nyoff) | Reiling, Helen I (Schwichtenberg) | Ronhaar, Robert L | Reilly, John Allan | Ronhaar, Shirley Mae (Krieg) | Reilly, Margaret Mary (Belekanich) | Ronhaar, William F | Reilly, Michael J 'Mike' | Hordyk, Jennie (Ronhaar) | Reimers, Flora D (Nelson) | Huckeby, Esther May (Ronhaar) | Reinard, Patsy (Staggs) (page 1) | James, Marie (Ronhaar) | Reinard, Patsy (Staggs) (page 2) | Ronning, Carl Jennings | Reindal, Bruce Nelson | Malm, Lena Ingeborg (Ronning) | Reindel, Clifford J | Porter, Tena (Roodzandt) (page 1) | Sterne, Sherri Marsha (Reiner) | Porter, Tena (Roodzandt) (page 2) | Johnson, Gloria Louise (Reinheimer) | Roodzant, Baby Boy | Reinholt, Kenneth Andrew | Roodzant, Bert A | Reinke, Ursula-Ingrid 'Jerry' | Roodzant, Gardena (Ponsteen) | Brady, Julie Ann (Reinke) | Roodzant, Geertje (Vander Pol) | Reinstra, Alma C | Roodzant, Henry | Reinstra, Bernardus 'Slim' (page 1) | Roodzant, Jack | Reinstra, Bernardus 'Slim' (page 2) | Roodzant, Jacob | Reinstra, Cecil | Roodzant, Johannes 'Joe' | Reinstra, Charles E (2003) | Roodzant, John | Reinstra, Charles Wilford (1937) | Roodzant, Marie Cornelia (Zeilstra) | Reinstra, Donald Geart | Roodzant, Robert Lee | Reinstra, Ed Jerry (1937) (page 1) | Roodzant, William Leroy | Reinstra, Ed Jerry (1937) (page 2) | Balda, Marie (Roodzant) | Reinstra, Edward James (1980) | Jansma, Dena (Roodzant) | Reinstra, Ella Wilhelmina (Wilson) | Mercer, Viola May 'Maisie' (Roodzant) | Reinstra, Geessien (Dykhuizen) | Rip, Pauline (Roodzant) | Reinstra, George A | Rook, Allan G | Reinstra, Harold | Rookard, Wilbert E | Reinstra, Helen Alice (Dolph) | Rooks, Ernestine (Stiles) | Reinstra, Henrietta Wilamina Lenssen (Noteboom) | Roomes, Laverne J (Bellair) | Reinstra, Jerry Jerjen | Rooney, John Francis (page 1) | Reinstra, John (1942) | Rooney, John Francis (page 2) | Reinstra, John W (1993) | Rooney, John Francis (page 3) | Reinstra, Lillian Irene (Lee) | Rooney, Martha C (Stoehl) (page 1) | Reinstra, Mary A (Hanley) | Rooney, Martha C (Stoehl) (page 2) | Reinstra, Robert 'Bob' | Rooney, Martha C (Stoehl) (page 3) | Reinstra, Roy Raymen | Roop, John Minor | Reinstra, Ted (page 1) | Roop, Margaret (Neelands) | Reinstra, Ted (page 2) | Roos, J Richard | Reinstra, Ted [news article] | Chase, Maria Klara (Roos) | Reinstra, Verla May (Lynch) | Larson, Gerharda Jacomina 'Mina' (Roos) | Reinstra, Vernon 'Tip' (1986) | Root, Paul L (page 1) | Reinstra, Vernon Joe (2004) | Root, Paul L (page 2) | Reinstra, Wilhelmina (Verhaag) | Nourse, Elizabeth Bennett (Root) | Ammondson, Viola (Reinstra) | Pound, Alice L (Root) | Kammenga, Jessie (Reinstra) | Roray, Ruth H | Lam, Josephine (Reinstra) | Mullins, Pauline E (Rorer) | Oakley, Jane A (Reinstra) | Rorex, Benten Alfred 'Bob' Sr | Reis, Henry Wm | Rorex, Dorothy Francis (Gravlund) | Reis, Ray S | Rorrer, George C | Reisdorff, Bluejean (Campbell) | Rorrer, Georgia M | Reisdorff, Charles 'Charlie' Jr | Rorrer, Hobart LeRoy | Reisdorff, Mary Elizabeth (Miller) | Rorrer, James Henry | Reisdorff, Norma Marie Pembroke (Amyett) | Rosario, Merlea Dulce (Mendoza) | Reister, Gerald L | Rosario, Pedro Viluan | Laverenz, Brenda Rae (Reitalbach) | Rose, Edwin William | Reith, Edwin William 'Ed' (page 1) | Rose, Frank | Reith, Edwin William 'Ed' (page 2) | Rose, George A | Reith, Michael William | Rose, Jackie L (page 1) | Mueller, Rose (Reith) | Rose, Jackie L (page 2) | Reitsch, John A | Rose, James A | Reitsma, Rense | Rose, Julie Ann | Rekdal, Ane Cecilia (Frostad) | Rose, Kathleen 'Dolly' (DeLaporte) | Rekdal, Donald Peter | Rose, Mary G | Rekdal, Harold A | Rose, Mr (1913) | Rekdal, Nels A | Rose, Norma J (Rudder) | Rekdal, Peter | Rose, Raymond F | Russell, Nellie M (Rekdal) | Rose, Rhonda Lee (Brewer) | Beattie, Prudence (Relph) | Rose, Richard Alan | Goeth, Edith (Remail) | Rose, William Edwin | Remington, Albert F (page 1) | Baltzer, Patti A (Rose) | Remington, Albert F (page 2) | Johnston, Gertrude Helen (Rose) | Remington, Charles Henry | Murdoch, Lottie M (Rose) | Remington, Ethel (Jay) | Terry, Helen M (Rose) | Remington, Frederick K | Roseberry, Bonnie Lou Cole | Remington, Pearl E West Nelson (Sholey) | Rosebrook, Alva I | Renas, Helen (Dick) | Ramsey, Margaret E (Roseler) | Maddox, Thelma D (Renas) | Morgan, Consuelo 'Connie' (Roseles) | Renda, Bessie McCoy (Newton) | Roselli, Thomas Haines 'Tom' | Renda, Domenico | Rosemeyer, Betty Jean (McCarthy) | Mahoney, Marion G (Rendo) | Rosemeyer, Charles E | Martratt, Virginia Alice (Rendo) | Rosemeyer, Ester L Deposit | Renegar, Charles Z Jr | Rosemeyer, Raymond B 'Bud' | Renegar, Laura Jean (Rebold) | Rosenau, Robert 'Bud' | Renick, Robert Edward | Rosenbach, Edward E | Renn, George W | Rosenbach, Ethel C | Grant, Frances Mary (Rensimer) | Rosenbach, Kenneth | Rensink, Anna Mae (Mattson) | Rosenberger, Glenn Orville | Rensink, Donald Arthur | Rule, Elsie D (Rosenbloom) | Renstrom, Ralph Edward | Rosenfield, Edward V | Rentschler, Leatrice 'Joy' | Rosenfield, Jack | Renwick, Mary | Rosenfield, Jane (Jones) | Brown, Dorothy D (Renwick-Dewar) | Rosenfield, Myrtle E | Repnow, Walter Burnett | Wanamaker, Margaret R (Rosenfield) | Buckinger, Ruth S (Reppe) | Rosenkranz, Margaret (Hill) | Requa, Margaret E (Vosburg) | Rosenlof, Mary Frances (Flood) | Bivens, Evelyn (Requa) | Rosewold, Olaf C | Chaloux, Barbara Jean (Reska) | Rosling, Edward L 'Rusty' | Resnick, Ester J | Ross, Craven Edwin | Resnik, Dorris (Cown) (page 1) | Ross, Donald Kirby | Resnik, Dorris (Cown) (page 2) | Ross, Dora | Resnik, Rudolph Frank 'Rudy' (page 1) | Ross, Elizabeth Camilla (Piercy) | Resnik, Rudolph Frank 'Rudy' (page 2) | Ross, Floirence Foote | Resseguie, Harriet Eliza (Wilcox) | Ross, Jack L | Blanford, Faith A (Ressler) | Ross, James Carroll | Restivo, Silvio A | Ross, Joan E Stempak | Rettig, Francis Earl | Ross, Leslie Hilton Jr | Rettig, Wayman Bailey 'Toad' | Ross, Swan G | Reuble, Gustave Charles 'Gus' (2003) | Ross, William C Sr | Reuble, Gustave Sr (1936) | Brewer, Sondra Noel (Ross) | Reuble, Judy U (Faber) (page 1) | Chalcraft, Alma Cornelia (Ross) | Reuble, Judy U (Faber) (page 2) | Setzer, June Margaret (Ross) | Reuble, Lawrence Oexle | Stoddard, Amy Eleanor Beatrice (Ross) | Reuble, Marie H (Tesch) | Stoddard, Walter Mrs (Ross) | Reuble, Mary Regina | Rossevelt, Adolph L | Reuble, Regina (Oexle) (page 1) | Rossi, Irwin 'Ross Cave' | Reuble, Regina (Oexle) (page 2) | Rossland, Robert | Reuckert, William | Rossman, Dora W (Nygard) | Reurink, Cornelia (Van Streen) | Rossman, Ella M | Reuter, Emma Fossek (Lenz) | Rossman, Seward A | Reuter, Eugene G | Rost, Myron LeRoy | Poole, Leta L 'Lee' (Reuter) | Rost, Sandra J (Keathley) | Rex, Marjorie | Helland, Gladys E (Rosvold) | Reymore, Leona (Durham) | Roswall, Winfrid | Reymore, Wendell Meryl | Rote, Winnie Ella Bryan (Short) | Reynolds, Anne (Schneider) | Roth, Belle | Reynolds, Blanche | Roth, Harold 'Kye' | Reynolds, Charles W | Roth, Lyle Leroy | Reynolds, Charlotte Jean (Deckwa) | Roth, Mary (Gaylord) | Reynolds, Donald Arthur | Roth, Patricia V (Bruce) | Reynolds, Elna I (Danielson) | Roth, Stanley B | Reynolds, Eugene F (1966) | Roth, Timothy Bradley | Reynolds, Eugene T (1970) | Ditmars, Juanita Marjory (Roth) | Reynolds, Eva May King | Krogseng, Sharon (Roth) (page 1) | Reynolds, Pamela (Schaeffer) | Krogseng, Sharon (Roth) (page 2) | Reynolds, Patricia Ann | Pickard, Ernestine (Roth) | Reynolds, Patsy Lou Fenstermaker (Orcutt) | Rothenberg, Michael B (page 1) | Reynolds, Walter B | Rothenberg, Michael B (page 2) | Clements, Mildred J (Reynolds) | Elvebak, Beverly Jean (Rothenbuhler) | Frei, Olga (Reynolds) | Rothgeb, Elmer | Jerome, Ruth Esther (Reynolds) | Rothgeb, Faith 'Helen' (McMillin) | Reys, Albert | Rothgeb, Harry | Reys, Charles | Rothgeb, James Herbert | Reys, Elsie (Turner) | Rothgeb, Josephine 'Jo' (Thompson) | Reys, Laura B (Altenberg) | Rothgeb, Lon | Reys, William P | Rothgeb, Vera (McLeod) (page 1) | Frodsham, Gloria F Davidsen (Reys) | Rothgeb, Vera (McLeod) (page 2) | Rez, Anton G | Rothgeb, Will E | Rezabek, Lois Marie (Byrd) | Rothrock, Opal Fern (Brooks) | Rezac, William Phillip | Rothschild, Elizabeth | Rhett, Chester Kenneth | Rothwell, Charles G | Rhett, Jan (Clark) | Hawkins, Gladys Lillian (Rothwell) | Rhett, Mark Alen | Rott, Delores M Fuller | Rhoades, Frank LeRoy | Cline, Anna I (Rottrup) | Rhoades, Fred | Rotzoll, Amelia (Longvitz) | Rhoades, Gilbert Allen | Atkinson, Elizabeth (Rotzoll) | Rhoades, Linda Kathleen (Russell) | Rough, Paul W | Howard-Bailey, Janis L (Rhoades) | Roukie, Mary Jane (Worts) | Rhoads, Charles Edward | Rounds, Gordon M | Rhoads, Harry 'Dusty' | Rousch, Elsie M (Gabelein) | Rhoads, Newton Castle | Rouse, Charles A | Sherman, Mabel Claire (Rhoads) | Rouse, Earl D (page 1) | Zylstra, Helen May (Rhoads) | Rouse, Earl D (page 2) | Rhoder, Jim | Rouse, Elaine Marcella (Carlson) | Rhodes, Betty Jean (Sandberg) | Rouse, Robert Varner | Rhodes, Chester V | Rouse, Warren Ward | Rhodes, Florence E | Roush, Clifford A | Rhodes, Frank L | Roush, Dwayne W | Rhodes, Henrietta (Dingley) | Roush, Margaret H | Rhodes, Jewell Wayne 'Joe' | Rousseau, Jack | Rhodes, Josette Monique (Toesca) | Rousseau, Lucille (Smith) | Rhodes, Marvin | Route, Lavena A | Rhodes, Maxola Rebecca | Mills, Wava K (Routsong) | Rhodes, Ralph Harold | Rouw, Katie J (DeJonge) | Rhodes, Ray F | Rouw, Mark D | Rhodes, Ruth Edna (Anderson) | Rovainen, Adolph | Rhodes, Thelma Lorraine (page 1) | Rovainen, Gertrude A | Rhodes, Thelma Lorraine (page 2) | Rowan, Carl R | Rhodes, Thomas B | Rowan, John Robert | Burnham, Louise Doris (Rhodes) | Rowand, LeRoy Sherwood | Goldsmith, Ethel (Rhodes) | Rowe, Allan Lyle | Smith, Hazel Frances (Rhodes) | Rowe, Doris K (Kamp) | Wheelis, Dorothy Charlotte (Rhodes) | Rowe, Ivy B (Irvin) | Rhoeder, James 'Jim' | Rowe, J Howard | Rhyne, Orlena Rose 'Pat' (Baise) | Rowe, John W | Rhyne, William Joseph | Rowe, Joseph Patterson | Ricard, Peter E | Rowe, Lucille M (Olson) | Furman, Genevieve 'Jenny' (Ricard) | Rowe, Marie H (Robinson) (page 1) | Surface, Evelyn V (Ricard) | Rowe, Marie H (Robinson) (page 2) | Rice, Adrienne 'Ady' (Reed) | Rowe, Sarah J (Dewitt) | Rice, Betty Lou Martiinis (Costis) | Hendrix, Catherine J (Rowe) | Rice, Charles W | Brown, Martha (Rowland) | Rice, Donald | Rowlett, Clara E (Blazer) | Rice, Frank J | Rowlett, Willda Ethel Holloway | Rice, Helena S 'Nelly' (Stokes) (page 1) | Rowlett, William E 'Bill' | Rice, Helena S 'Nelly' (Stokes) (page 2) | Glasscock, Dorothy (Rowlett) | Rice, John M | Rowley, Desmond 'Dee' (Keister) | Rice, Molly | Rowley, Leslie Ann Hamren | Rice, Myron J | Rowley, Mabel M (Trumbull) | Rice, Ronald K Jr | Rowley, Matt William | Faulkner, Viola Mary (Rice) | Frank, Eleanor A (Rowse) | Gates, Esther P (Rice) | Rowzee, Ray | McCourtney, Elizabeth Ann (Rice) | Roy, Marilyn (Franson) | Rich, Erma R (Covert) | Royal, Edward J (page 1) | Rich, Harry B | Royal, Edward J (page 2) | Rich, Samuel T | Royal, Emma Lea (Russell) | Johnson, Bertha A (Richard) | Royal, Flora | Richards, Bruce R 'Boo' | Royal, Helen (Parkins) | Richards, Charles | Royal, Marydean | Richards, Edmond | Royelr, August L | Richards, Ford Gordon | Royse, Ella (VanderVort) | Richards, Genevieve (O'Connell) | Royse, Roma 'Jean' (Bailey) | Richards, Henry | Royse, William J | Richards, John C | Vander Stoep, Janice Gail (Rozeboorn or Rozeboom) | Richards, Joy E (Riefler) | Rozell, Jack Berry | Richards, Kenneth G | Rua, Pete | Richards, Mabel A | Rubatino, Inga (Anderson) (page 1) | Richards, Mario W | Rubatino, Inga (Anderson) (page 2) | Richards, Peter Vinton | churchill, Henrietta C (Rubin) | Richards, Sidney Bruce | Rubley, Tommy | Richards, Wallace B | Ruby, Chester Lyall | Richards, Walter J | Ruby, Ellen 'Betty' (Iorns) | Pomeroy, Clara T (Richards) | Upton, Violet E (Ruby) | Waldron, Ella E (Richards) | Ruck, Holly Marie | Weyer, Barbara J (Richards) | Rudd, Helen M | Richardson, Arlene Marion (Read) | Rudd, Jack A | Richardson, Bryant 'Dick' | Rudd, Michael R | Richardson, Hattie G Ward | Rudd, Payton H 'Pete' | Richardson, Ida (Chapman) | Rudd, Ronnie R | Richardson, John Dean (page 1) | Ruddell, Charles E Jr | Richardson, John Dean (page 2) | Rudder, Earl | Richardson, John Dean (page 3) | Rose, Norma J (Rudder) | Richardson, Kortney Anne | Ruddick, Joseph Franklin | Richardson, Michael J | Rude, Ann | Richardson, Ona Joan (Sherwood) | Rude, Dorothy Jane (Kennelly) | Richardson, Roy E | Rude, H G | Richardson, William G 'Bill' Jr | Andrews, Mildred V (Rude) | Holmes, Ruth Ellen (Richardson) | Small, Martha Mary (Rudmik) | Spears, Katherine D (Richardson) | Rudolph, Marylin (Morgan) | Mackey, Christine (Richardsons) | Rudolph, Robert Ellis | Richart, Carl Otho | Rue, Harry | Raulerson, Kathleen Rose 'Kathy' (Richert) | Bolin, Lizzie (Rue) | Richey, Leslie Jay | Partridge, Florence (Rue) | Richey, Mable (James) | Rued, Eilert (page 1) | Richey, Patricia Chapman (Hoxie) | Rued, Eilert (page 2) | Richey, Scott A | Rued, George T | Richlin, John Patrick | Rued, Ole M (page 1) | Sarchin, Rebecca (Richling) | Rued, Ole M (page 2) | Richloff, Anne (Saverick) | Rueschenberg, Hubert B | Hossfeld, Nina Frances (Richloff) | Ruger, Raymond Thomas | Richmond, Charles G | Ruggles, Logan Ellsworth (page 1) | Richmond, Darlene Anderson (Johnson) | Ruggles, Logan Ellsworth (page 2) | Richmond, Kaitlin Rose 'Katie' (page 1) | Ruiter, Klass | Richmond, Kaitlin Rose 'Katie' (page 2) | Stribley, Julia (Rukavina) | Richmond, Lucille T (McFarland) | Rule, Elsie D (Rosenbloom) | Furman, Rosa Lee (Richmond, Miller) | Rule, George N | Richmond, Norma B | Hendrix, Lida Elsie (Rule) | Burley, Susan (Richmond) | Howe, Doris A (Ruling) | Herwick, Marjorie Lorraine (Richmond) | Ruljanich, Marco | McCollum, Esther U (Richmond) | Rumley, Grace Moore (Daly) | Nienhuis, Susan Ann (Richmond) | Rumsey, Lenore (Jones) (page 1) | North, Beulah Louise 'Mickey' (Richmond) | Rumsey, Lenore (Jones) (page 2) | Scribner, Norma C (Richstad) | Rumsey, Robert H | Richter, Worrell Leroy | Runberg, Irma E (Chesterfield) | Rick, Edith Caroline (Carlson) | Garner, Martha (Runge) | Rick, Peter | Running, Melvin A | Rick, Robert H | Running, Paul Harrisville (page 1) | Rick, Ruth (Workes) | Running, Paul Harrisville (page 2) | Rick, Terrence Kenneth 'Terry' | Gangl, Cordelia Adeline (Running) | Rick, Wilbur C | Runtz, Aleoys M | Rickards, Flavilla (Warner) | Mathieson, Grace I (Runyan) | Stitzel, Agnes O 'Aggie' (Rickelman) | Morr, Goldie M (Runyan) | Ricketts, Clark J 'Bud' | Winder, Peggy Ann (Runyan) | Ricketts, John Blaine Jr | Runyon, Emma | Miller, Charlyn M (Ricks) (page 1) | Harris, Merle F (Runyon) | Miller, Charlyn M (Ricks) (page 2) | Ruosch, Joseph | Ricor, Julia Mary Zimmerman | Erkkila, Esther Helga (Ruotsalainen) | Ridderbusch, Wesley Harvard | Rupe, Ethel Wiltsey | Riddle, Joan E 'Cookie' (Nautais) | Rupe, Roscoe B | Gard, Helen Jane (Ridel) | Ruple, Deborah Sue | Ridenour, Ethel | Rupp, Ethel Ione (Mathis) | Archibald, Lenore J 'Kelly' (Ridenour) | Rupp, Everett S | Rideout, John Herbert | Ruppel, Robert R | Rideout, John Pomeroy | Rush, J A | Meeter, Gladys B (Rideout) | Rush, Stephen | Meeter, Gladys B (Rideout) (page 2) | Rush, Thelma Janie | Rider-Graves, Jill Ann (page 1) | Rusher, Wanda Jewell (Larm) | Rider-Graves, Jill Ann (page 2) | Rushmer, Estella Virginia 'Dixie' (Dix) | Gould, Eileen A (Rider) | Morsey, Marjorie R (Rushton) | Ridgeway, Mary M (Brown) | Russell, Ann (Vanderzicht) | Beaumont, Olive Mary (Ridgeway) | Russell, Bernard T 'Bernie' | Ridings, Bruce 'David' | Russell, Betty J (page 1) | Manning, Kimberley Jill (Ridings) | Russell, Betty J (page 2) | Ridout, Juan M (page 1) | Russell, Deric (page 1) | Ridout, Juan M (page 2) | Russell, Deric (page 2) | Ridout, Juan M (page 3) | Russell, Frank | Riedel, Gladys Ellen | Russell, Harry G | Riedel, Paul S | Russell, James L (2005) | Richards, Joy E (Riefler) | Russell, James Sheridan (1983) | Rieger, Charlotte H | Russell, Montgomery | Rieger, Joseph F | Russell, Nellie M (Rekdal) | Riehl, Daniel | Russell, Neven Jack Jr | Riehl, Glenn T | Russell, Norman Sr | Riehl, Helen C (Sandberg) | Russell, Steven Dale | Riek, Betty Lee (Anderson) | Russell, Valdemar Poslavsky | Smith, Pamela Lee (Riek) | Russell, Vera M Jackson (Dean) | Kerrick, Theodora (Rieke) | Russell, Ward Arnold (page 1) | Riemer, William C | Russell, Ward Arnold (page 2) | Rientjes, Bert | Russell, Wesley | Rientjes, Gerrit H | Russell, William R 'Russ' Sr | Rientjes, Gesina Maria Grashuis (Prins) | Duncan, Mabel L (Russell) | Rientjes, James B | Folks, Geraldine (Russell) | Rientjes, Janet (DeBoer) | Knowles, Beatrice Lee (Russell) | Rientjes, Johanna 'Joan' (Vanden Hoek) | Rhoades, Linda Kathleen (Russell) | Rientjes, John 'Unc' (2008) | Royal, Emma Lea (Russell) | Rientjes, John (1933) | Taylor, Ruth (Russell) (page 1) | Rientjes, John (1957) | Taylor, Ruth (Russell) (page 2) | Rientjes, Wilhelmina H | Rust, Emma (Lentz) | Fakkema, Alida Hendrika 'Della' (Rientjes) | Rust, Erik | Riepma, Fan (Rientjes) | Rustemeyer, Ora H | Riepma, Annie | Rustemeyer, Peter Andrew | Riepma, Fan (Rientjes) | Rutherford, Burton C | Riepma, Frank | Rutherford, Daryl Howard | Riepma, Harry | Rutherford, Robert B | Riepma, Irene A | Rutherford, Walter O | Riepma, Jacob B | Motteler, Margaret E (Rutherford) | Riepma, John | Ruthford, Charles H | Riepma, Marjorie Jean | Ruthford, Liona Delforest (Allen) | Riepma, Minnie (Vandewerfhorst) | Rutter, Dorothy Grace (Stahl) | Riepma, Norman D (page 1) | Ryan, Allen L | Riepma, Norman D (page 2) | Ryan, Dennis Gene | Balda, Maggie (Riepma) | Ryan, E Nora | Mesman, Grace (Riepma) | Ryan, Edith Alta (Birkeland) | Morris, Jennie R (Riepma) | Ryan, Esther (Judson) | Zylstra, Dora (Riepma) | Ryan, Florence C (Flynn) | Rier, Earl Theodore 'Ted' | Ryan, John | Rigg, Phyllis A (Funk) | Ryan, Kathryn (Kutina) | Riggall, Agnes M (Pepper) | Ryan, Louise | Riggall, Cecil | Ryan, Patricia Roth Garner (McGinnis) | Riggins, Viola R (Benedict) | Ryan, Paul E | Riggs, Barbara Ann (Larson) | Puck, Mary Ellen (Ryan) | Riggs, David Lincoln | Zink, Angela Noelle (Ryan) | Riggs, Ulysess E | Rydberg, Barry Charles | Riksen, Alice (Bultman) | Rydberg, Gary Arthur | Riksen, Barney (1985) (page 1) | Rydberg, Joyce Eileen (Cearley) | Riksen, Barney (1985) (page 2) | Ryder, Evelyn M (Olson) | Riksen, Bernard A (1981) | Ryder, Frank K | Riksen, Catherine (Vanden Hoek) (page 1) | Ryder, Kaye (Balch) | Riksen, Catherine (Vanden Hoek) (page 2) | Anter, Anna Elizabeth (Rydlewski) | Riksen, Henry | Ryerson, Lucile L (Jomberger) | Heller, Elizabeth (Riksen) (1970) | Ryland, Albert S | Hulst, Reka (Riksen) | Ryland, Mary P Hoff | Koorn, Jennie (Riksen) (page 1) | Rypstra, Hedzer | Koorn, Jennie (Riksen) (page 2) | Buzard, Frances H (Rystogi) | Riley, Amanda Clarice Knutson Clark | Lohmer, Amy (Ryther) |